About the Office of Advancement
Established in 2021, the Office of Advancement exists to secure resources for the advancement of the University and to raise awareness on AUK’s academic services, achievements and strategy.
We exist to serve the AUK community, helping students, faculty and staff, by securing financial resources to facilitate their studies, research and work. We fundraise for students (scholarships and financial aid), for faculty development and for capital development projects. We build partnerships with philanthropists and donors to secure funding for key University initiatives (our mandate). We manage alumni relations and set-up friends’ chapters locally and overseas.
Our long-term objective is to grow the culture of philanthropy at AUK based on the three core values that AUK embraces in all facets of its work: accessibility, inclusivity and transparency.
We fundraise for the University’s short-term and annual (recurring) needs: scholarships, financial aid and annual fund. We also fundraise for the University’s longer term priorities: AUK’s Vision for 2030. Finally, we are in the process of setting-up the University’s Endowment, to underwrite the future financial sustainability of AUK.
In performing its fundraising responsibilities, the Office of Advancement works closely with The AUK Endowment Foundation, Inc., the University’s fundraising arm in the United States. The Foundation works to raise and manage U.S.-origin philanthropic resources supporting the mission, vision and priorities of the University.
Office of Advancement
The American University of Kurdistan
Mustafa Barzani Building
Zakho Rd. 42003 Sumel – Duhok, Kurdistan Region of Iraq
Office hours: Sunday – Thursday, 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Location: Ground floor – Wing C
Email: advancement@auk.edu.krd
Call Center: +964 751 741 0000