The American University of Kurdistan (AUK) held its first job fair of 2023 on May 4th, for its students and alumni, providing a platform for both job seekers and potential employers to connect. The event proved to be a mutually beneficial opportunity for both parties, with students and alumni gaining insights into the contemporary job market in Kurdistan and potential employers making lasting impressions on the present and future labor pool. Company representatives praised the professionalism, confidence, and abilities of AUK students and alumni, leading to several of them being invited to the next steps of the hiring process. The success of the 2023 AUK Job Fair sets a high bar for future events and reflects the university’s commitment to its students and alumni’s career development.
The event was mutually beneficial. The AUK students and alumni could see the frontiers currently being opened up by enterprising companies in Kurdistan. The potential applicants could get a better sense of the contemporary job market in Kurdistan, practice their interview skills, and determine how best to market themselves in a rapidly evolving and increasingly competitive employment environment. The potential employers could make lasting impressions on the present and future labor pool of Kurdistan, and the AUK affiliation of the young women and men they were meeting at the AUK Job Fair meant they could rest assured they were speaking to applicants rigorously educated in both hard skills and soft skills.
The students and alumni of the American University of Kurdistan who participated in its 2023 Job Fair verbalized how helpful it was. One student stated, “This was a great job fair! We needed something like this to attend and explore.” Another pleased student commented, “I spoke to many companies and organizations. I received important information about them.”
Company representatives were similarly glowing in their appraisal of the event. NassWallet said: “This was a well-organized event, during which we gained lots of information from AUK students.” Cadmus International School remarked: “Our staff representatives were pleased with AUK students and their abilities. They were professional, well-dressed, and prepared.” Moreover, KAR Group went on record: “AUK students were confident in their abilities, and they had proper delivery.”
Some of the AUK students and alumni were invited to “next steps.” One student joyfully told Perwar Al-Missouri, AUK’s Director of Career Services, “I got accepted for another interview next week, Mr. Perwar.” An AUK graduate in Engineering was hired outright by Lazgin Company.
The 2023 AUK Job Fair set an excellent tone — and a high bar — for next year’s. The American University of Kurdistan is moving onward and upward, and its students and alumni are helping companies in Kurdistan do the same.
The AUK Office of Career Services would like to express its sincere appreciation to the sponsors of the event