New Student Orientation: An Energetic Welcome to AUK’s Fall Semester 2023-2024
The New Student Orientation for the fall semester 2023-2024 at the American University of Kurdistan (AUK) took place on August 22nd and 23rd. The program included a variety of insightful talks, engaging activities, and warm welcomes, setting the stage for the academic success of the University’s newest students.
On the first day, the program kicked off with a warm welcome from the Director of Student Affairs, Yelena Sardaryan. The importance of orientation was echoed by AUK President, Dr. Randall Rhodes, who encouraged students to immerse themselves in all AUK has to offer. He emphasized the importance of active participation in student clubs, student government, and other extracurricular activities, and the importance of students claiming the University as their own. Other points included: AUK’s commitment to English language instruction and the institution’s alignment with American best practices. He also shared news about AUK’s partnerships with U.S. universities, which provide AUK’s graduates with pathways for master’s programs in the U.S.
The program introduced the Peer Mentor Program, Student Clubs, and Student Government. A musical performance by members of the Music Club was a break before an afternoon of engaging games and a movie. A campus tour and sessions with the Peer Mentors were included.
The second day began with Dr. Khedir Ramazan, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Jervy Bernardino, Chief Nursing Administrator in the College of Nursing, Dr. Rezaq Ferhadi, Dean of the College of Engineering, and Dr. Uzair Bhatti, Dean of the College of Business, providing insights into the academic programs. Presentations from Mr. Ibrahim Hussein, Director of Admissions and Registration, Miss Gulan Ahmed, Director of the Library, Ms. Loucine Hayes, CAPA Director, Ms. Pel Hruri from the Admissions and Registration Office for Financial Aid, and Mr. Perwar Al-Missouri, Director of the Career Services Office, outlined resources supportive of students’ success. The new services for Psychological Counseling and Access and Disability were introduced by Yelena Sardaryan.
The New Student Orientation marked the beginning of a new academic journey for these students. The University continues to establish programs aimed at supporting students in and outside of the classroom.
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