AUK has a vibrant, warm and welcoming campus community. Students have the opportunity to participate in various student activities and events, and engage in community service and individual projects.
The University is a site for learning. It can take place in the classroom, lab, library, and all other spaces on the campus. Besides the classroom/lab model of teaching and learning where knowledge acquisition and skill attainment is linked to the students’ major program of study, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are those beyond credit-bearing coursework and refer to any and all activities, programs, and learning experiences performed by students that complement or enhance their academic development. Such activities do not award academic credit, yet are assessed to ensure they effectively broaden the students’ experiences and advance their skill attainment.
Co-curricular activities can be performed individually or in groups, inside or outside the classroom, or on- or off-campus, yet they are an extension of the formal learning experiences in a course or major program of study. Such activities may include: working at a radio station/video production lab, writing articles for publication on the University’s website, debate competitions, hackathons, and innovation/entrepreneurship programs.
Extra-curricular activities are not explicitly connected to academic learning, but aim to provide students with experiences that will enhance their skills and holistic development, such as communication, leadership, and problem solving. Such activities may include: participation in university sport, student government, peer tutoring, leadership programs, and campus and community volunteerism.