Special Message from Dr. Nazar Numan, AUK Provost

Dr. Nazar Numan, Provost of the American University of Kurdistan (AUK), will be retiring from his post after six years of service. To recognize his many contributions to the University, the AUK Board of Trustees granted him the title of “Provost Emeritus.” So, the recent graduation will be the last one observed by Dr. Numan as acting AUK Provost. Please find below his extended congratulatory message for the Class of 2023.
“Dear Graduates,
I would like to extend to each and every one of you my heartfelt congratulations on this momentous occasion of your graduation. It is a tremendous achievement that deserves recognition and celebration.
Today, you stand ready to embark on the next chapter of your lives. While this day marks the end of your formal education, it is important to recognize that learning is a lifelong pursuit. Embrace the spirit of curiosity, continue to seek knowledge, and never stop challenging yourselves.
I would ask you to remember the responsibility that comes with your education. Use your knowledge, skills, and talents to make a positive difference in your communities and the world at large. Be compassionate, empathetic, and inclusive leaders who strive for justice and equality.
I appreciate your positivity in providing us with your views and feedback throughout your study to improve our learning environment at AUK. The bonds you have formed here and the memories you have created will forever be cherished. Our university community will continue to support and celebrate the achievements of our alumni, and we hope that you will stay engaged with AUK.
With my great pride and best wishes,
Nazar Numan
AUK Provost
May 28, 2023”
Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration Program Review

Another component of the NECHE accreditation process for the American University of Kurdistan is the formal implementation of Academic Program Reviews. On the 11th and the 12th of June, the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, offered by the College of Business, was under review. The reviewers formed a committee of four, split between two people internal to AUK and two disciplinary peers from outside universities. The committee consisted of AUK’s Dr. Sarmad Majeed, AUK’s Dr. Dara Sherwani, the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s Dr. Rimi Zakaria, and OSTIM Technical University’s Dr. Unsal Sigri. These reviewers looked over the curriculum and spoke with program-level and institution-level stakeholders.
Victory for Educational Access

The recently graduated AUK Class of 2023 includes the first recipients of scholarships designed to ensure educational access for underrepresented groups in higher education in Kurdistan. The Chairman’s Scholarship for Excellence, funded by the AUK Foundation, made 74 seats at AUK available, in the following programs: Accounting & Finance, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Environmental Science, and Public Policy. With May 28’s graduation ceremony, the majority of those seats have now been vacated, through the successful completion of tertiary study of their occupants.
The AUK community has clearly been enriched by the presence of scholarship students, and its scholarship program has expanded considerably since the initial offering of 74 seats. For the 2022-2023 academic year that is now coming to a close, there were 264 fully funded and 50 partially funded scholarships.
Policy Orientation Session

On June 7, the Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Planning (OIEP) held a policy orientation session. In accordance with the regulations of the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE), from which AUK is seeking accreditation, the University presented policies to its employees following approval thereof by its Board of Trustees. Under discussion were 32 fully approved policies and 6 interim ones. The policies fell into the categories “Academic and Student Affairs,” “Advancement and Fundraising,” “Human Resources,” “Communications,” and “Business & Finance.” Zana Salah, Dr. Nazar Numan, Manal Issa, Dr. Sarmad Majeed, and Ruqayah Saleem shared the responsibility of outlining the body of University policy.
Five One Labs Finale

Another "graduation" of sorts took place in the AUK Auditorium on May 18, for the young entrepreneurs of Kurdistan that had just completed a year-long program overseen by Five One Labs. The cooperation of the American University of Kurdistan and Five One Labs in training these young entrepreneurs and "incubating" their business ideas was made possible by the United States Department of State Grant titled "Supporting American-Style Higher Education in Iraq."
The image appearing above, showing a young entrepreneur holding the light bulb that at once symbolizes a eureka moment and the tangible product thereof, captured this event's essence well. It was designed by AUK for promoting the event, dubbed "Demo Day," and it appeared prominently on the stage where real-life entrepreneurs "pitched" their business proposals to a panel of judges.
These were the seven groups participating, along with descriptions of their products taken directly from the "Startup Deal Book" distributed at the event:
PharmaDel ("an online app that provides medicine and delivers them to people who cannot reach pharmacies through a special program");
Grow Plants ("a business that generates compost from the food waste produced by its community and sells tools for creating gardens as well as offering a garden care service");
EM. Academy ("a consultancy company that provides human development training");
Astra ("a cross-platform educational application that aims to aid in continuing academic activities at the primary, secondary, and higher secondary levels");
M.Therapy ("an online psychotherapy platform that will help people ... facing struggles in their life");
WPC ("making wood wool from plastic and wood waste");
Rebare Adam ("a tourism website and app for Kurdistan").
After all the presentations had been given, all the questions had been answered, and all the scores had been tabulated, three groups were chosen for "seed funding." Astra was awarded $4000, Grow Plants got $5000, and M.Therapy took home the grand prize, $6000.
Sendoff for Departing Faculty Members

On May 23, the AUK Office of Human Resources convened an assembly of University staff and faculty to acknowledge outgoing faculty members. Dr. Asadul Hoque, of the College of Business, served at AUK for five years. Dr. Ghareeb Hamada, of the College of Engineering, completed four years at the University. Miaad Hassan, of the College of International Studies, was wrapping up her second year. The feeling expressed in person to these valued contributors bears repeating here: On behalf of all the students you have educated and all the coworkers you have assisted during your time at AUK, the University thanks you and wishes you the very best in your future endeavors.
Stepping into the Future
The Content Writer of the American University of Kurdistan, Michael Collins, composed another poem to mark the graduation of the Class of 2023. It is a 10-line “shape poem,” designed to look like steps. Each line is longer than the preceding one, and each section is a line longer than the one before it. The poem symbolizes the AUK graduates crossing the stage, receiving their diplomas, and taking the first steps in the next stages of their lives. The poem is titled “Stepping into the Future.”
An end, simultaneously a beginning.
After four long years, it signifies winning.
All the studying, leading to sleepless nights.
All the friendships, preserved despite pointless fights.
All the promise of tomorrow, propelling you to dizzying heights.
Your past at AUK will always be an important part of who you are.
Your lessons there will set you up for sustained success, near and far.
Your potential is sky-high, so, for both yourself and others, raise the bar.
Your time at AUK is over, but, one day, you may be remembered as a star.
Sit-Down with 2022-2023 Student Government President Aram Omar

Aram Omar just finished his term as the President of AUK Student Government. On the cusp of his graduation, Aram Omar took inventory of his time in office through a four-question interview in late May.
What did you like most about being President of Student Government?
Aram Omar: “What I liked most was having the ability to represent all students’ voices and ensure that their problems get addressed.”
What did you like least about being President of Student Government?
Aram Omar: “What I liked least was being stuck in the middle between administration and students on matters that are not truly relevant to Student Government, like the grading policies of individual professors.”
What is the most important quality for an effective President of Student Government to have?
Aram Omar: “Consistency is most important, in your messaging to the University community as a whole and in the less glamorous, day-to-day work behind the scenes in the Student Government office.”
How do you feel your experience as President of Student Government prepares you for the “real world” of independent adulthood?
Aram Omar: “My experience as AUK President of Student Government will help me to engage with diverse stakeholders and deal with numerous interests and challenges at once. The set of skills I built up as President of Student Government should serve me in good stead wherever I may go.”
New Student Government Election and Results

With the graduation of the 2022-2023 AUK President of Student Government, Aram Omar, it is now time to announce the 2023-2024 Student Government President and Cabinet. The Office of Student Affairs has certified the election results.
Back on May 2, on the eve of official voting, contenders for the presidency of Student Government sat on the stage in the AUK Auditorium. There were three teams competing, each made up of a presidential hopeful and a running mate. The three answered tough questions from AUK President Randall Rhodes and CAPA Director Loucine Hayes, before facing equally tough questions from the constituents. The next day, AUK students cast their votes. Voter turnout was 64%.
The presidential candidate who appeared to connect best with the audience on the day of the debate, Hasan Hasan, was chosen as the American University of Kurdistan's President of Student Government for the 2023-2024 academic year. Here are all the members of the incoming “Hasan Administration”:
Hasan Hasan (President)
Nabaz Ameen (Vice President)
Ayman Hasan (Treasurer)
Tiba Abdulwahhab (Secretary)
Meet Rozan Khalid

Rozan Khalid has just officially become an alumnus of the American University of Kurdistan, having completed his course requirements in December and having received his diploma at the ceremony in late May. He graduated as the 5th-ranked student in the College of Business. He earned Latin honors (cum laude), for his GPA and civic honors. As a student, he was in the Music Club, for which he played numerous instruments. He aided in the organization of the fall 2022 intramural soccer tournament. He twice served as Treasurer of Student Government, and he also volunteered at the MEPS Forum.
Rozan now works at AUK’s Office of Communications as an Assistant. When he was still a student, he volunteered for the Office of Communications, and his impressive performance soon earned him a paid, part-time position. He functions as the factotum for the Office of Communications, contributing to social media, setting up meetings, and even posting this very newsletter, among other duties.
End-of-Year Celebration for Faculty and Staff

The Office of Human Resources of the American University of Kurdistan organized an end-of-year celebration for the University’s faculty and staff on the evening of June 1. In addition to food, the celebration of AUK’s faculty and staff included live music. All faculty and staff were welcome, but certain people were honored guests in particular, on account of reaching significant service milestones, for which they received public recognition.